Monday, April 06, 2009


I thought for sure I could escape the stomach bug. or, rather, i was really hoping not to get it! jim sounded miserable the night before and I certainly had no interest in that. well, apparently other plans were laid for me, because i woke up at 2am with terrible stomach pain. but before i even realized that had happened (because waking up for me in the middle of the night always involves some serious confusion) i already knew i was sick - how you ask? because i had 'living on a prayer' in my head and it would NOT leave. I mean i tried every trick in the book to get it gone - yelling at it, putting replacement songs in, talking over it to drown it out and nothing worked. it had been the soundtrack (on an endless loop) in my head for my 2 hours of dreams prior - i was playing air drums to it in one dream i remember! so that's how i knew i must be sick. i never lose control over my brain's radio unless i am ill - and a fever is involved. sometimes when i was a kid i would get the a&w rootbeer jingle stuck, but i guess i just didn't know how to stop it then. so here i am with living on a prayer over and over and the most terrible stomach pains. oh, and hot sweats every minute or so along with nausea. perfect. it was almost a blessing i couldn't sleep through it because if i could have i would have had fever dreams. i have tried before to explain this to a couple of people with little to no success. so, being a glutton for punishment i will try again. fever dreams for me are metallic. meaning there is that quality to them - they are grey or silver tinged and dark and repetitive. nothing happens in a fever dream, or at least no plot moves forward. and no amount of waking up will change them to a new scene. once the fever starts to go color will return and plots will move forward, but until then it's like being in a robot's dream. none of that to worry about - because no sleep would come. too much pain.

luckily i was smart enough to stay in london through tuesday and take a mid afternoon flight so i will still be able to get out and about for some photography tomorrow morning before i head off to barcelona. this day is definitely not turning out as expected! the best laid plans...

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